Friday, February 10, 2006

HTML Email

Brenda's been nagging me (I mean that in an endearing way) about email newsletters for awhile now. I admit I've been curious as to how to create them. I finally committed some time yesterday to figuring out how they are made. Started by reading some howtos on the web via Google. They are helpful but skip key learning details. My first experiment was an attached html page. That worked okay. But I knew that Brenda would not want to handcode HTML to create a newsletter. This works, but it isn't a usable solution. Then I tried pasting the attached HTML into an email with HTML only set in the menu bar. This doesn't work. All you see is what you sent exactly, that is the html code. Here's the solution: Create the newsletter with headers and footers directly in the email. I mean, you treat the email message panel as a WYSIWYG web editor. Insert tables, images, paragraphs like a web page. This avoids a lot of problems, like image paths that are a real headache.

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