Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Scanlon, 2006

Scanlon, J. (2006, May 1). Reading, writing, and creativity. BusinessWeek, XX(XX), XX-XX.
How do you define creativity?
Ultimately it's the process of having original ideas, but there are several steps. The first step is imagination, the capacity that we all have to see something in the mind's eye. Creativity is then using that imagination to solve problems -- call it applied imagination. Then innovation is putting that creativity into practice as applied creativity.

Byrnes & Arndt, 2006

Byrnes, N., & Arndt, M. (2006, May 1). The art of motivation. BusinessWeek, XX(XX), XX-XX.
  • Pay incentives that punishes bad competition and bad production and bad productivity.
  • Culture of knowledge sharing.
  • Innovation from within.

Poggenpohl & Sato, 2003

Poggenpohl, S., & Sato, K. (2003, October). Models of dissertation research in design. Paper presented at the 3rd Doctoral Education in Design Conference, Tsukuba, Japan.

Davis & Simmt, 2003

Davis, B., & Simmt, E. (2003). Understanding learning systems: Mathematics teaching and complexity science. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34, 137-167.

Joseph, 2004

Joseph, D. (2004). The practice of design-based research: Uncovering the interplay between design, research, and the real-world context. Educational Psychologist, 29, 235-242.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tabak, 2004

Tabak, I. (2004). Reconstructing context: Negotiating the tension between exogenous and endogenous educational design. Educational Psychologist, 29, 225-233.

Sandoval, 2004

Sandoval, W. A. (2004). Developing learning theory by refining conjectures embodied in educational designs. Educational Psychologist, 29, 213-223.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hoadley, 2004

Hoadley, C. M. (2004). Methodological alignment in design-based
research. Educational Psychologist, 39, 203-212.

Larson & Lockee, 2005

Larson, M. B., & Lockee, B. B. (2005). Workplace cultures: Preparing instructional designers for varied career environments. In M. Orey, M. A. Fitzgerald, & R. M. Branch (Eds.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2005 (Vol 30). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Molenda & Bichelmeyer, 2005

Molenda, M., & Bichelmeyer, B. (2005). Issues and trends in instructional technology: Slow growth as economy recovers. In M. Orey, M. A. Fitzgerald, & R. M. Branch (Eds.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2005 (Vol 30). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

McKenney, 2003

McKenney, S. (2003). Developing science education materials via
computer-based support. In M. Orey, M. A. Fitzgerald, & R. M. Branch
(Eds.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2003 (Vol 28).
Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Salter, 2006

Salter, C. (2006, April). A prescription for innovation. Fast Company,
104, 83-86.

SPARC, see, plan, act, refine, communicate
Adult learning is in need of fresh ideas.
Do a history, listen, think about all possibilities, it's purposely
broad to avoid locking into a early diagnosis. Or designers an early
Understanding user needs. 3 types explicit and tacit by interview and
survey, can't be articulated by observation, latent needs the only way
to identify them is to make something and have people experience
it.-Ryan Armbruster
Iterate until you get a physical and emotional response.
Doctors or managers propose a problem. Sparc assembles a cross
functional team. Crash course in design methodology, by second hour out
with cameras, notepads, tape recorders.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Sandoval & Bell, 2004

Sandoval, W. A., & Bell, P. (2004). Design-based research methods for studying learning in context: Introduction. Educational Psychologist, 39, 199-201.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Virginia Berninger

Instruction adds cause effect to imaging.
Imaging alone is correlational.
Brain literacy for ...

Jere Brophy

Wrong grain size, for underrepresented populations, lack of critiical
climate, content domain waning,

Allan Collins

Internet cafes, home schooling, game design certification,

Seeds of a new system

Sian Proctor

Contour Maps: What do children see?

Cognitive strategies
Which strats are predictors of success.
Cognitive Map Memory Test
Spatial cognition
Visualization, spatial visualization

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Keisha Varma

Technology obstacles.
Half of obstacles were not part of curricular intervention. Tech
infrastruture problem.
Implementation obstacles.

Joe Krajcik

Understanding scientific practices

Learning goals driven design
Investigations, data gathering, organization and analysis, explanation,
argumentation, scientific modeling,

Dylan Wiliam

What kinds of assessment promote learning?

Pedagogy / curriculum
Learning power / literacy, numeracy, concepts, facts
5 effective strategies
Knowledge transmission
Act their way into a new way of thinking
Proviiding information, ready to move on, adapt instruction,
Discussion vs diagnosis questions

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

John Bransford

How people learn science. Learning science and science learning.

Implicit, informal & formal.
Structure of schools.
Distributed expertise.
Test how schematized your knowledge is.
Schema acquisition, testing efficiency.
Functional fixedness, tyranny of success.
Ability to let go of assumptions, innovation
Making thinking visible
Challenge based approach, increased discussion, interaction, enjoyment
Adams, designing engineering curriculum, design studies, grad students
increased questions

Monday, April 03, 2006

Jeff Dodick

The attitudes of orthodox jewish science teachers towards the teaching
of geological time (and other "controversial" topics in science.

Historical/philosophical approaches
Surveys of different populations

Vogt & Neuhaus

Using video data to correlate different attitude types of biology
teachers with their way of teaching

3 studies: classification, sociodemographic differences, correlation
Design of open standardized questionnaire
3 types of teachers emerged


Inquiry test: thought experiment
Inquiry scorer
Science beliefs questionaire

John Frederiksen

The impact of maintaining a consistent approach to teaching and
assessing scientific inquiry throughout middle school.

Diane Ketelhut

Assessing Inquiry Learning