Friday, December 30, 2005

Welcome to Long Branch

Curriculum on your Feet

Gps, digital camera, mobile email combine to gather data, observe the
environment, and begin a database of visual, geospatial, and
environmental knowledge and learning on the go.


The bridge to nowhere

Waypoint 100

Elevation: 328ft

N: 38o51'33.5"

W: 77o07'31.8"

This was the beginning of my route/trip. I just thought it was weird
that this bridge leads to no path on the other side.


Succession success

Waypoint 102

Elevation: 253ft

N: 38o51'34.7"

W: 77o07'27.2"

What happens to the branches over time?


Naturally unnatural

Waypoint 104?

Elevation: 250ft

N: 38o51'35.4"

W: 77o07'21.9"

Why put rocks on the banks of the stream?


Rock puzzle

About waypoint 107

Elevation: 329ft

N: 38o51'36.1"

W: 77o07'18.9"

Can you fit the broken rock back where it used to be?


Where the stream turns

Waypoint 112

Elevation: 305ft

N: 38o51'42.0"

W: 77o07'07.2"

Do you see the effects on the land when the stream bends?


Where rivers kiss.

Waypoint 113

Elevation: 285ft

N: 38o51'44.8"

W: 77o07'02.2"

What geometric shape is formed when the streams meet?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Audioblogger from Sidekick

this is an audio post - click to play

Signing up was a breeze. Logging in, wastes a little time though. I think I'm more likely to try this in combination with a Skype call. Although it might be good as a radio song memory thing, or concert snippet. The limit is 5 minutes. I don't really like that it opens up in a separate window. The icon above visually suggested the player was embedded in the play button. No, it's just a graphic and a link to an audio file, that opens up in quicktime in a separate window.

Learnings about mobblogging so far

Mail-to-Blogger Address: Use for posting text only posts via email. Like this one I'm posting right now.

BlogSend Address: This email address receives the new post in the email inbox once received. A direct mail publishing process. They suggest setting up group list on Google Groups, to go from post to many inboxes. Because my mobile/cell phone is registered. Emails sent from it to this email address, get published straight to this blog. This includes all the pictures you see below.

Site Feed: I played with this function, but it's an ATOM feed, which is not the same as RSS. I use to manage my rss feeds. Why? Because, they're new feature allows for SMS alerts, when RSS feeds change. I haven't used it yet, but this is a key innovation that connects computers with phones with both push and pull simultaneously.

Comment Notification Address: Will send email when comment is posted. I don't expect much traffic, but would be interested to be alerted if comments are posted. I probably just test it myself. Since I have push email on my phone, it works just like an SMS.

White castle

My friend Adam got me thinking about White Castle, and once I got within
a 50 mile radius, I had to go. It's really not good, in any way. Here's
the number 1. They changed the onion rings. I didn't like them.
Cheeseburgers still the same.

Christmas party

This pic taken with a flash.

From right to left: Chris, Jane, Ray, & Jason. We sang karoake and drank sake.

Using yet another Google product, Picasa, I was able to clean up the image.

Test: 2 pics at once.

Update: I remember using the camera's flash on the pic above. It seems to have even'd things out a bit.

Here's Ray Iep. He's the sysadmin extraordinaire. He works in the office
next to mine. He invaluably helps me with the servers.

Update: I remember using the camera's flash on the pic above. It seems to have even'd things out a bit.

Qing's pic

Posting was nearing instantaneous this time. And the confirmation came
in less than a minute. Awesome!

So here's a picture of qing in the office. Qing is from beijing and the computer programmer on the goinquire project. More on that another time.

Update: The camera is not very good at all. There's a yellowish center, with a purplish halo around it. Although it is clear. If I cut out his face, it might be okay.

Bb&t classic picture #2

It took a few minutes to receive email confirmation. Fast compared to
last time. Maybe blogger got the kinks worked out.

Posting this second pic I took to see if it looks any better than the

Post from sidekick

Finger crossed.

Update: ALRIGHT. Finally, things seem to be rolling. This pic is in the GMU Law School Computer lab. It's when I first set up the blog. I posted this picture at the time. Mysteriously, this post/pic disappeared. I'm glad to have it back up.

Post from Email with Small Pic <250K

Last one failed. Here's the error message.

"Attachments cannot be larger than 250Kb. Error code: 8.8252C2"

Another go, with smaller pic attached found on hd.

Post straight from Email

Text only this time.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dissertation Concept Map

Sketch on the back of a restaurant placemat.
#. Method/Construct
1. Card Sorting/ Multiple Goals, Goal Structure
2. Experimental Lesson Planning/ Goal Coordination, Goal Interpretation
3. Survey of Teaching Standards/ Perceptions of Design Structure
4. Experimental Lesson Planning/ Provided with Alternate Standards, same goal-setting process assumed
5. Lesson Plan Analysis/ Design Structure of Standards based on Practice are identified.
6. Lesson Plan Analysis/ Goal Structure of Standards based on practice are identified.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Bb&t classic

Update: I sent this straight from the game. So I didn't bother writing any text at the time. The BB&T Classic is a basketball tournament. This year six local teams played a tripleheader. GMU beat the snot out of American. Later GW beat Maryland in good match of local powerhouses.

For $20 this was a good seat at the MCI Center, although as you can see the glass hindered our view. Nothing a couple of IPA's and hot dogs couldn't cure. (I think I'm starting to realize, eating badly and celebrating go hand in hand for me.)

Hello world.

This is a test.