Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Learnings about mobblogging so far

Mail-to-Blogger Address: Use for posting text only posts via email. Like this one I'm posting right now.

BlogSend Address: This email address receives the new post in the email inbox once received. A direct mail publishing process. They suggest setting up group list on Google Groups, to go from post to many inboxes. Because my mobile/cell phone is registered. Emails sent from it to this email address, get published straight to this blog. This includes all the pictures you see below.

Site Feed: I played with this function, but it's an ATOM feed, which is not the same as RSS. I use to manage my rss feeds. Why? Because, they're new feature allows for SMS alerts, when RSS feeds change. I haven't used it yet, but this is a key innovation that connects computers with phones with both push and pull simultaneously.

Comment Notification Address: Will send email when comment is posted. I don't expect much traffic, but would be interested to be alerted if comments are posted. I probably just test it myself. Since I have push email on my phone, it works just like an SMS.

1 comment:

eduard said...

I would like to invite you to check out It's an application that I wrote for myself about a year ago. It allows you to get SMS (or email or both) notifications when certain RSS feeds get updated. When I wrote this application I wanted to have as much control over the RSS feeds that trigger my alerts as possible. I didn't just want to get an SMS alert every time a feed got updated. I wanted to be notified for "important" posts only. I added an "RSS filter" and an alert notification schedule feature. For example, I can indicate that I only want SMS alerts if a new RSS post contains certain keywords/phrases and only between 8AM and 10PM. (I don't want my phone to beep at night.) I store all the new RSS posts that meet my search criteria but only send them out during the specified time. I would appreciate if you could check out and let me know what you think.
