Friday, March 31, 2006

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

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Friday, March 24, 2006

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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Friday, March 10, 2006

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, 2002

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. (2002). Tests in print, Vol 6. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Looked up [2234, 2202, 1224, 38, 1157, 2153, 2453, 936, 1188, 409, 40, 390, 391, 1472, 2498, 888, 1403, 1113, 2386, 2043, 2045] none matched well.

[1780] Organizational Effectiveness Inventory, 1997, Human Synergistics International.

[1853] Personal Effectiveness Inventory, 1996, Human Synergistics International.

[2407] Student Goals Exploration, 1990, National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning.

[698] Cornell Learning and Study Skills Inventory, 1970, Psychologists & Educators Inc.

[1787] Outcomes: Planning, Monitoring, Evaluating, 2001, The Psychological Corporation.

[401] Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale, 1983-94, Nancy Betz

[1469] Management & Leadership Systems, 1992-2001, Assessment Systems International.

Goldman, Saunders, & Mitchell, 2003

Goldman, B. A., Saunders, J. L., & Mitchell, D. F. (2003). Directory of unpublished experimental mental measures, Vol 8. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Looked up [511, 3068] but not appropriate.

[9245] Math/Science Goals Subscale.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Newell & Simon, 1972

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Performance-Learning-Development Dimension. Distinguish a human who is
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is developing with respect to a task.

Mitchell, 1997

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Mitchell & Wood, 1994

Mitchell, T. R., & Wood, R. E. (1994). Mangerial goal-setting. Journal
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fallman, 2005

Fallman, D. (2005). Why research-oriented design isn't design-oriented research, Proceedings of Nordes: Nordic Design Research Conference, May 29-31, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Around the Blogosphere today

From Wired News
Ali Zanjani, Helio's sales and distribution chief, was inspired by the lounges set up by TTL - SK Telecom's phenomenally successful youth brand - as hangouts for its subscribers. Think of them as VIP Internet cafés for mall-weary young initiates, or as the physical manifestation of the TTL brand - a place where members of the tribe can go for live concerts, fashion shows, DVD viewing, gameplay, Internet access, free coffee, and a blower and wipes to clean their phones.
Application: I can see having these lounges at all kinds of education conferences. This is where people can meet, share tips, span the networked and social worlds. Bluejackers, mobbloggers, and early adopters have an area that's designed for them to share.

From Worldchanging
Although there's lots of talk about Linux distributions and the uses of PHP, read between the lines: this is an organization that has clearly learned the value of collaboration, transparent discourse, and open access to historical records.
Collaboration, transparency, and the long tail are the key design elements of a future-centric society?